Laurel Bridge Software, a provider of enterprise medical imaging workflow solutions, has released an upgrade to the Compass – Routing Workflow Manager to enable one-click search of a patient’s entire imaging record across any number of disparate clinical archives, VNAs, or PACSs, along with numerous updates. Among the notable improvements in version 2.4 to system security, scalability, performance, and ease-of-use are:

  • Support for query spanning to access distributed patient records
  • A completely new, mobile-friendly web user interface
  • Active Directory (LDAP) integration
  • Audit logging support
  • Security and performance enhancements

Integrating Compass with the Navigator – Imaging Retrieval Workflow Manager enables organizations to solve very complex enterprise imaging workflow problems, such as retrieving and normalizing imaging studies from multiple facilities, PACS, or VNA systems.

Read more in the press release and in the recent PR Newswire story.